As a fifth-grader, I had more awe and wonder when my first seed poked out its tender shoot, than I did in college level, stirring up concoctions in beakers and over bunsen burners. Stopping for a moment on a hike to gaze over a mountain vista, I think I grasp the beauty and sheer magic of life much more than I ever did hitting the books.
As science becomes continually more specialized and more downwards focused, it has lost what was most precious about it: the sheer wonder of it all that speaks of God.
I tried to capture some of that lost excitement by putting together a science of cooking class.
In science classes, we are always taught, "isn't that so neat that form follows function?" They always forget to mention the last part: "and doesn't that speak of an awesome God!"
Let's throw off our glasses and look to the heavens! (Sadly, with my poor vision I would only see about five feet.)
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